Sunday, August 21, 2011

{Baby L}

Good morning!  Here is another sneak peek of a recent session for baby L.  Look at those eyes!!

 This one cracks me up!  "Are you kidding me".  I think I'll save this setup for a newborn and not a 3 month old who has such an opinion about wearing an owl hat :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Justin + Baylea

Love these photos!  This couple knows how to rock an engagement session.

 This silo was an awesome find.


Since switching websites and having my kids home for the summer I kind of neglected setting up a blog.     I had an amazing session yesterday and realized I needed to start it up again so here goes...

Above is one of the many awesome pics of this beautiful couple and because it's so fresh, I decided I needed to use it in the header.  I cannot wait to finish editing and get more previews up!